Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Digging through more archives...

Several Photoshoots taken 2006

Photographs by Natalie Garforth

1940's Dancing

Short film of a dancehall from the 1940's during the war. Footage obtained from the Manchester Film Archives.


Another short film I did a few years ago....

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


A short animation I did a few years ago...

Monday, 9 May 2011

Travelling posts on 6 Month trip around South East Asia

My First Step....

The first step. Leaving Mum's house in sunny Chester where I've been contentedly living the retired lifestyle for 4 weeks. The morning jog with Tim along the river, indulging in long baths, reading without that niggling feeling that I have something more important to do. Swanning into town to do a spot of shopping, lunching somewhere fabulous, and then (exhausted obviously) home to do the crossword with tea, cake and the cat on my lap. Ahhhh!

My pre-adventure is relaxing and totally indulgent, and it's been difficult to tear myself away. No more spa's, vintage auctions, swinging by art galleries, being in "default position" (cake, tea & sofa) at 4pm and justifying many of Mum's lovely but crazy ideas (bidding and then winning an old, decrepit rocking horse, painting the room, getting chickens, another kitten, etc etc).

I've become so spoilt that I now expect cake to be in the tin ALWAYS, and more importantly a glass of wine at every evening meal, and for it to then be topped up throughout the night without me having to ask (thanks Tim).

I have now arrived in Blackburn and will be here for two days with Dad, before me and Boonie head down to London to catch the flight to Kuala Lumpur.

I am now relearning to pour my own drink. I'm now even walking to the fridge to get it and (god forbid) will soon, even be buying the wine I'm drinking.

Thanks Mum and Tim x

PS. I may have exaggerated slightly in the latter part of my blog, to make the story more interesting. (no nit-picking allowed (Tim))

And for all of you that think it's a shame that me and Mum can't carry on our daily Guardian puzzles; we are still doing the crossword together over the magic of the internet (I know!! We are so cool!)

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Friday, 6 May 2011

Funeral of the Luminaire

The well loved music venue The Luminaire shut down in January 2010. Another victim of the credit crunch....

We were kindly invited to the 'Funeral'. An invite only event, where guests were asked to dress in black. Boonie played a three song acoustic set, which was beautiful. Followed by a couple of varied acts including 'Son of Dave'. A coffin made a procession through the venue at midnight. It was a fun affair, with a strong underlying sadness. Here are the photos of the last ever night of the Luminaire....